For all investors, we offer a detailed investment plan. Balance-sheets consisting of financial indicators as well as a detailed proposal of all income options (cost of mining hardware, expected evaluation of the currency over time, difficulty and other factors influencing the profit).
In the investment plan, we will provide information what kind of mining machines you will need to buy. What is their profitability over time (we are also taking into account the time delivery of mining machines and the increasing difficulty of mining), mining costs, other possible risks and possible gains (volatility of the selected cryptocurrency portfolio, change of hardware costs for purchase of mining machines, money exchange rates in the future when exchanging cryptocurrency to real money and vice versa and many other other factors like switching of mining pools, their possible profitability, pool luck rate etc.).
Schedule a call with us or meeting and we will propose you the most effective solution and calculate how fast you can earn or multiple your money invested in cryptocurrencies!
- At a personal meeting, we will introduce you the world of cryptocurrencies. We will pass on you a part of our know-how based on our own real experience with mining and trading.
- We’ll discuss with you all the details of the investment to make sure you understand all information (and possible risks).
- We’ll build an investment plan. Based on the invested amount and possible revaluation, we will select a suitable product portfolio consisting of mining, trading and other possible valuation of selected currencies over time.
- We will provide for you the purchase of machines. The mining machines will be ordered from our suppliers and we will take care of their transport to our mining center, where we will engage them and set up properly.
- The purchased machines will mine at our place and we will regularly pay you a profit. You can choose the currency in which we will pay you your reward and how often. The mining costs within the entire pool (electricity and mining or profits) will then be proportionally deducted from the resulting reward.